Why You Need To Reconsider Rehab

Are you someone who has been told by your loved ones or a medical professional that you should consider a rehabilitation facility? You keep saying you do not want to go – that you don’t need to go, you can stop whenever you want!

However, in your heart of hearts, you know that your substance abuse is something over which you do not have control. Deciding to seek treatment seems to present a whole new set of problems that you can’t deal with. It’s so much easier to stay here, in the present, surrounded by issues with which you are familiar, right?

But that isn’t really the more natural, softer way you envision it as. The brain can play silly tricks on us to keep us where we’re comfortable. This is where Hotel California By the Sea can help. HCBTS is a treatment center specializing in treating men, women, and young adults who have a substance use disorder (SUD). Located in Southern California, just steps from the sea. If you’ve thought about getting help before, maybe its time to reconsider rehab. Hotel California By the Sea can help you make the transitions necessary to begin your substance abuse recovery.

A woman holding a bottle of wine and an empty glass is distraught and reconsidering rehab for her alcohol addiction.

You probably have so many reasons reverberating in your head that keep you from finding help with your substance use disorder. Here are some reasons why you should reconsider seeking treatment for your substance abuse problems.

Reasons to Seek Treatment

Entering into treatment is a big step, but continuing on the path of addiction is barely a path. In fact, it is more like being pulled deeply into unforgiving quicksand. You know you can’t continue with things the way they have been -it is slowly (or rapidly) ruining your life.

Here are some reasons why you should seek treatment instead of trying to handle this on your own. It is no longer worth it to continue reliving the same problems you are having right now that do not give you the positive results required to get on with life.

  • You are ruining your health. The National Institute of Health’s NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) backs this up, stating, “Longer-term effects [of addiction] can include heart or lung disease, cancer, mental illness, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and others.”
  • Your SUD is probably causing you immense social problems. Maybe you have had legal issues because of either illegal drug use or events such as driving while under the influence. Perhaps your behavior became violent, and you are now dealing with an arrest because of that.
  • Your substance use disorder is also wreaking havoc on your familial relationships. The United States National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, cites some of the family problems caused by a SUD. In addition to potential health and relationship issues, you could also have an increased chance of creating social problems for yourself and society as a whole due to your SUD. You may become disabled, homeless, or incarcerated.
  • If you inject drugs of any kind, you are increasing your risk of contracting diseases such as HIV and hepatitis A from needle-sharing or from having unprotected sex–a standard risky behavior among substance abusers. You can contract infectious diseases and increase your chance of succumbing to serious infections such as endocarditis and cellulitis.
  • If you are pregnant, you are putting your unborn child’s health at risk, as well as your own.
  • If you are misusing alcohol or drinking excessively and regularly, you may cause irreversible damage to your liver and other organs. Brain damage may also be in your future due to alcohol abuse.

These outcomes are not for you, nor do you deserve them. Although these consequences may seem overwhelming if you’re already experiencing, know that there is a way out. Remember, hundreds of thousands of others have been through what you are going through (and have succeeded in putting these issues behind them). Many have passed through the doors of Hotel California By the Sea.

A husband sitting on the floor reconsiders rehab for his addiction treatment.

HCBTS offers many treatment programs tailored to fit your needs and your personal situation. The most important thing they offer, though, is hope and an always-present lifeline out of that quicksand.

Benefits of Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Did you know that the science we offer can save you? Its facts, statements, and conclusions can be a hard slap in the face, but science does not lie. Remember, substance use disorders are a medical condition, and how do you treat a medical condition? Through the use of science, of course. Let science help you recover!

Hotel California By the Sea is a recovery program that uses science’s best practices to guide you onto a path of wellness, confidence, and freedom from the grips of a substance use disorder. Here are some of the benefits of rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation often includes entering a rehab center. A rehab center will really compound your chances for lifelong success in overcoming a substance use disorder.

Not only are you increasing your chances of lifelong recovery, but a rehabilitation facility will also give you the tools you need to help you cope with life once you leave. Your treatment plan may include an overnight stay for 7 days, 14 days, maybe even 30 days.

The financial burden of treatment may seem daunting or like a deal-breaker. However, most inpatient treatment centers, including Hotel California By the Sea, are in-network with many insurance plans. We will work with you to figure out the best course of action to pay for treatment. We also have financial assistants who are ready to work alongside you in creating an affordable treatment plan.

So don’t look at a rehabilitation center as unaffordable. What you can’t afford is staying in a substance use disorder situation. In the end, addiction’s financial burden on you and your family is far higher than the cost of a treatment facility.

Consider the costs of obtaining your substance of choice. Along with this, you may be unemployable, so you have a loss of income. The mental and medical issues caused by your SUD are costly to treat. Also, you may have legal costs incurred from arrests or incarceration. You can’t afford to keep abusing your drug of choice. Let Hotel California By the Sea help free you from the financial burden of substance use disorders by helping you recover.

A woman is speaking to a health care professional who urges her to reconsider rehab for her addiction.

For additional information about how Hotel California By the Sea can help you enter into treatment, visit our Admissions page.

Your Next Step

Hotel California By the Sea is ready to help you with your next step. HCBTS is an alcohol and drug treatment facility interested in your long term recovery. We help men, women, and young adults overcome their SUD. We offer up-to-date and state-of-the-art, science-based treatment plans, such as group therapy, individual therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, drug detox services, dual diagnosis programs, and much more in a residential program or through outpatient services.

Only you can step out of the quicksand by deciding on professional assistance in overcoming your substance use disorder. But once you make that decision, you are not alone. Hotel California By the Sea will remain right beside you. We’ll assist you in developing the lifelong support system you will need, including coping skills and finding the right people to lean on.

There are many reasons why it would be so much easier to keep things as they are, but these are not static issues. Abusing drugs or alcohol or avoiding receiving help for your addiction will eventually inflate into problems more difficult to handle.

Stop the insanity, and seek treatment for your substance use disorder by contacting Hotel California By the Sea.