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Our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers California

Addiction and mental health disorders can occur at the same time. This can make it difficult to determine which disorder came first. When abusing drugs, the sufferer is often searching for relief from poor mental health. Individuals may turn to substances for these problems. However, drugs and alcohol only provide temporary relief and usually make the problem worse. 

Hotel California by the Sea specializes in treating both disorders simultaneously. We believe holistic treatment is necessary to fully recover from a substance use disorder. 

In our Southern California dual diagnosis centers, we aim to discover the root causes of addiction. We strive to provide exceptional care for those with co-occurring mental health diagnoses. People often turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with uncomfortable emotions. Psychiatric care can provide relief from these feelings.


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We start the recovery process with a psychiatric evaluation. Our board-certified psychiatrists conduct these evaluations. Clinicians assess each patient for substance addiction and mental health issues.

Patients undergo close monitoring throughout their entire stay. They engage in a weekly routine of therapy and medication management. This leads to a more exact diagnosis to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for each client.

How do I know if I have a Co-occurring Disease?

A person with a co-occurring disorder has both a mental health illness and a substance use disorder. Having both of these conditions is known as having a dual diagnosis. While these conditions can exist at the same time, one does not necessarily cause the other.

Shared risk factors can contribute to the development of both mental health problems and substance use disorders. Individuals suffering from unresolved mental health disorders may try to self medicate with drugs or alcohol. Alternatively, the misuse of drugs and alcohol can contribute to the development of a mental health disorder. This is because of substance abuse’s ability to hinder proper brain function and development.

Symptoms of a Dual Diagnosis:

Substance abuse and mental illness combined can affect brain function, causing changes in behavior. People suffering from mental illnesses often turn to substances to “feel better.” Continued abuse leads to a higher tolerance and failure to function without it. Common symptoms of co-occurring mental health disorders are: 

Common symptoms of co-occurring mental health disorders:

  • Social withdrawal and strained relationships with friends and family
  • Sudden changes in behavior
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Lack of appetite and poor nutrition 
  • Lack of sleep, insomnia and lethargy 
  • Depression and anxiety 
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Experiencing delusions or hallucinations
  • The development of an obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Difficulty participating or functioning in daily life activities 
  • Dramatic mood and energy changes 
Man in dual diagnosis treatment in Orange County getting support from others

Our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in Orange County Specialize in these Common Disorders

Our dual diagnosis treatment centers in California employ certified clinical psychiatrists. These doctors work with each patient to identify any disorders. They will help each patient create a comprehensive mental health and addiction treatment plan to best suit their needs. 

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder – is a mental illness that impacts a person’s ability to regulate and control their emotions. It often comes from a deep and intense fear of abandonment or perceived abandonment.

Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder also show other symptoms of mental illness. These include substance abuse, self-harm, and intense mood swings. Damaging behaviors, chronic feelings of emptiness and sometimes eating disorders can also develop. 

Major Depressive Disorder

Major Depressive Disorder (depression or clinical depression)is a mood disorder. It causes persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness and loneliness. Many different forms of depression can develop under certain circumstances. These forms include persistent depressive disorder, postpartum depression, psychotic depression and seasonal depression. 

Depression can develop at any age. It can be dependent on personal and family history of depression as well as trauma and stress. Many people who suffer from depression self-medicate by using drugs and alcohol. This chronic numbing can lead to substance use disorder and addiction. 

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is defined by overwhelming thoughts and behaviors that need to be repeated over and over again. There are multiple forms of OCD. Its symptoms can include obsession with germs or cleanliness, superstitious behavior, intrusive thoughts, social isolation and many more. 

OCD can affect people of all ages with the causes still unknown. Some common factors that can contribute to the development of OCD include; genetics, family history, childhood trauma, and various environmental factors. People suffering from OCD may turn to drugs or alcohol to escape some of their behaviors.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Anxiety is defined as excessive, uncontrolled and ongoing worry or fear. Many people experience occasional anxiety and it is a normal emotion. But when it begins to affect one’s daily life and daily functions, it is categorized as a generalized anxiety disorder. 

Some of the symptoms of anxiety include feelings of restlessness, irritability, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, difficulty in concentrating.

People with anxiety are twice as likely to have a substance use disorder. In an effort to cope with their moods and symptoms they turn to substances.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

According to the NIH, PTSD is identified by specific symptoms: intrusive thoughts, flashbacks to a traumatic event, nightmares, sleep disturbances, startled responses, and changes in memory and concentration. Hypotheses suggest that trauma-induced stress changes the chemistry of the brain. This manifests itself in behavioral symptoms.

Experiencing PTSD symptoms can heighten the risk of substance use as a form of self-medication. This attempt to stop PTSD symptoms can quickly turn into a substance use disorder. The substance use then works with the PTSD, creating bigger problems. 

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are serious conditions related to persistent physical and psychological eating behaviors that negatively impact health and mental well-being. Eating disorders come in different forms. Three of the most common forms include Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, and Binge-Eating Disorder.

Like other mental disorders, people with an eating disorder may turn to a substance for relief from symptoms. They may also seek substances that support their eating disorder such as meth, cocaine, or adderall which suppress hunger.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes extreme mood swings. Emotions range from high points of mania to low points of depression. Those who suffer from bipolar disorder experience various periods of intense emotional ups and downs called mood episodes. These episodes last from weeks to months.

Research suggests that from 30 percent to more than 50 percent of people with bipolar disorder (bipolar I or bipolar II)  are at risk to develop a substance use disorder. Substance abuse is often an attempt to control their moods. 

The correlation between Mental Health Disorders and Addiction

Mental health illnesses are a common occurrence in those who suffer from substance use disorders and addiction. They are not direct causes of each other but they can be present at the same time. Research indicates that almost half of individuals suffering from SUD (Substance Use Disorder) also experience a co-occurring disorder. Mental health conditions include anxiety, depression, ADHD or personality disorders.

Substance addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions are best treated at professional behavioral health programs. Our dual diagnosis treatment centers in California offer the resources and tools for clients to heal from their addiction.

Hotel California by the Sea’s specialized Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Orange County

Treating the whole person on a physical and psychological level is crucial in the case of someone with a dual diagnosis. If one disorder is not adequately addressed in treatment, it can potentially lead to a relapse in the other. Dual diagnosis treatment in Newport Beach is recommended for most of our clients. Specialized treatment will last throughout the duration of their rehab with us through aftercare planning. 

Those suffering from a mental health illness may need specialized treatments to help aid in their recovery. At our dual diagnosis treatment centers in California, we offer a number of clinically proven cognitive therapies, individual therapy, support groups, and medication treatments. The varying methods allow our experts to understand all aspects of a patient’s condition.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

One of the most commonly recommended types of therapy used to treat co-occurring disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT helps the patient focus on changing negative thoughts and behaviors related to their addiction. Therapy helps turn distressing emotions into positive affirming feelings. 

This type of therapy is often used to help patients learn effective coping techniques. Learned coping skills help patients manage daily life situations after substance abuse and addiction.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavioral therapy helps patients learn problem solving and acceptance techniques in relation to their addiction. In DBT patients develop their skills in emotional regulation, mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness and distress tolerance. 

Patients then take these learned skills and apply them to everyday aspects of life that may be triggering their addiction. DBT can be conducted as an individual treatment therapy or even in a group setting. The type of treatment depends on the severity of the addiction and the needs of the patient.

Integrative Group Therapy

Group therapy can be especially helpful in treating co-occurring disorders because it helps patients feel like they are not alone. Groups of patients with similar disorders and experiences come together to share, listen and support each other in recovery. 

This type of support can be helpful for those who feel isolated during their addiction recovery. In group therapy, members develop trust and meaningful relationships with like-minded peers. These peers resonate with specific experiences and can motivate each other through lasting recovery.

Psychotropic Medication

Psychotropic medications are medications typically used to treat mental health illnesses. They fall into five main categories of medications:

  • Antipsychotics – these are usually prescribed to help patients with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia.
  • Antidepressants – these are usually prescribed to help patients dealing with any form of depression.
  • Antianxiety – these medications are usually given to patients dealing with chronic or acute anxiety.
  • Stimulants – these medications are recommended to patients dealing with ADHD to help them regulate disorganized thought processes in the brain.
  • Mood stabilizers – these are usually prescribed to help treat patients suffering from disorders such as bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder.

Medication isn’t right for everyone, nor is it a mandatory treatment method. It can be extremely helpful for people suffering from co-occurring disorders. Certified clinical psychiatrists at Hotel California by the Sea have experience in effective medication management. 

At our dual diagnosis treatment centers in California, we help our patients receive treatment that best suits their needs. This may include a combination of various therapies and recommended medications. 

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What are the benefits of our Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Orange County?

Our dual diagnosis treatment program in Newport Beach program involves meetings with one of our psychiatrists. Who performs a complete assessment of each patient’s overall health and well-being. This information will help identify mental health disorders to create the best possible addiction treatment program.

These treatments range from various individual and group therapies to medication treatments as needed. At our dual diagnosis treatment centers in California, patients will have routine follow ups with physicians. This allows for adjustments to the patient’s treatment plan when necessary. 

Our dual diagnosis treatment in Orange County also offers individualized programs targeted for women, men, and young adults. We know each patient’s needs are unique. We cater to each client to get to the root cause of any addiction. For the best possible outcome, professionals should personalize the diagnosis and treatment plan.

Get Help at our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in California

Having an addiction and mental health disorder can be overwhelming to deal with. The symptoms for both often overlap. It can be difficult to distinguish between the two without the help of medically trained professionals. 

Within our dual diagnosis treatment in Newport Beach, professionals will thoroughly screen and assess each patient entering the program. Hotel California by the Sea looks for signs of SUD and any mental health disorders that may be present. Call and reach out to the admissions team at our dual diagnosis treatment centers in California today. Discover how our residential and outpatient programs can support your journey to a fulfilling life in long-term recovery.

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The road to recovery is full of uncertainty, leave your worries behind…
Our compassionate staff will answer all of your questions without any pressure. Learn about our evidence-based drug addiction treatment and rehab, the ease of entering our program, and the benefits of getting help from a reputable addiction treatment facility like Hotel California by the Sea.

Every member of our admissions team has been where you are today – be sure to ask them about their journey!