Quitting Marijuana, Withdrawal Symptoms, & Ways To Get Weed Out Of Your System

Drugs such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and fentanyl are extremely dangerous and addicting; their effects work quickly and can have fatal consequences. Most everyone agrees that these drugs are harmful and should not be taken under any circumstance. Alcohol, despite being a legal substance and sold all over the world, has its fair share of health and mental problems attached to its use as well. Its side effects, when taken in large quantities over a short-time frame or over a long period of time, can result in dangerous situations and serious health problems. However, if consumed responsibly and in moderation, alcohol can be enjoyed without any blaring side effects. The drug that has received the most controversy in the public eye is Marijuana. Marijuana, also known as “weed”, “ganja”, “loud”, and “bud”, is the most commonly used addictive drug after tobacco and alcohol. (1)

When it was first introduced, anti-reefer films swore the drug would turn users into rapists and sadists. Over time, the extreme nature of these claims were demystified, but marijuana still was looked at as a drug for free-loaders and troubled youth, until now. In the majority of states, Marijuana has been fully decriminalized, permitted to be used recreationally or for medicinal use. Scientific research points to Marijuana being useful in dealing with chronic pain and other health problems, and people find it to be a stress reliever and a social lubricant, just like alcohol is advertised to be. But, like any mind-altering substance, it has its fair share of negative effects as well. Marijuana does come with withdrawal symptoms, which could make quitting the substance more difficult. There are certain jobs that still test for THC, the inebriating compound found in Marijuana, as part of their screening process. So what are some Marijuana withdrawal symptoms? What are the benefits of quitting Marijuana? And if you are getting ready for a drug test for a potential new job, you may be wondering how to get THC out of your system.

A bearded male is holding a lit blunt while contemplating quitting marijuana and experiencing the symptoms of withdrawal.

What Is Marijuana and How is it Used?

Marijuana comes from the Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica plant. It is made up of the dried leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of the plant, which contain the mind-altering chemical THC. Marijuana can be ingested through a variety of means. It is most commonly smoked in hand-rolled joints (made from rolling papers) or blunts (made from emptied cigars). More recently, vaporizers have been introduced to users. Vaporizers (or vapes) take out the smoke from the Marijuana and leave just the THC in vapor form to be inhaled. Some people mix THC into edible products such as cookies, brownies, candy, or tea. The extract from the Cannabis plant, condensed into a wax or oil, is smoked, or eaten. This is also known as dabbing. This form of Marijuana intake delivers the most amount of THC to a user. In any form of ingestion, either smoking or eating, Marijuana withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous. But what are Marijuana withdrawal symptoms? 

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Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms

Marijuana withdrawal symptoms can work quickly and slowly. According to the American Addiction Centers website, “the most salient symptoms of withdrawal will present themselves in individuals who use marijuana daily or nearly daily for at least a few months.” (2) If you are a chronic user and decide to quit using, there are many marijuana withdrawal symptoms you may experience, including: 

  • Feelings of anger, irritability, and/or aggressiveness
  • Sensations of extreme nervousness or anxiety
  • Disturbances with sleep that can include insomnia or very disturbing dreams and even nightmares
  • A decrease in appetite that may or may not be associated with a significant loss of weight
  • Feelings of restlessness and general malaise
  • The onset of feelings of depression
  • Physical symptoms that causes significant distress, such as abdominal pain, fever, chills, sweating, headache, and/or tremors or shakiness. (2)
A graph measuring the percentage of marijuana used by Americans 26 and older based on their current employment status.

Benefits of Quitting Marijuana

Since Marijuana is so ingrained into our social fabric, and is now legal in many states, the idea of quitting Marijuana doesn’t come to mind for most users. For those who use Marijuana to combat certain health problems, the idea that there are any benefits of quitting Marijuana might seem ludicrous, however there are many benefits of quitting Marijuana that you may not know about. Here are some short-term benefits of quitting Marijuana: 

  • Clearer skin – Most don’t realize that weed is pretty bad for skin, which is one reason why people who smoke frequently can have acne and have trouble with pigmentation. Quitting weed will help your skin clear up in no time.
  • Better sleepIf you’re struggling to fall asleep at night or staying asleep throughout the night, Marijuana may be the reason why. You’ll likely experience better quality sleep when you quit smoking weed. (3) 

Here are some long-term benefits of quitting Marijuana: 

  • Increased intelligence and focus- People who smoke weed regularly often say they have a hard time concentrating when they’re high. They also find it difficult recalling the things that were said while they were high or during the day. However, after quitting weed, many users report that their focus and concentration have dramatically improved.
  • Better cholesterol and blood pressureMost users who smoke weed will see a spike in their blood pressure. However, if you quit smoking, you are likely to see a significant drop in your cholesterol levels along it. Quitting weed will normalize your blood pressure and improve the effectiveness of your cholesterol management plan. (4) 

The benefits of quitting Marijuana, if you are a chronic user, will most likely far outweigh the benefits of continuing to use Marijuana. 

How To Get THC out of your System

Even though Marijuana use is being accepted more and more as a common drug, even more so than alcohol or tobacco, there are employers who will screen for Marijuana before granting a position. If you find yourself wondering how to get THC out of your system, there are many different ways. How to get THC out of your system isn’t the easiest but it’s achievable. Here are tips on how to get THC out of your system: 

  • Detox drinks are an efficient way to save you from being guilty of a drug test failure. This method is quite similar to adding sugar to coffee to mask the raw taste. In drug tests, detox drinks cover the presence of THC traces to ditch the test
  • As evident from the name, Detox Pills are tablets used to detoxify your body of toxins. They are a reliable option for efficient detoxification of your body. The pills start their work quickly, eliminating most of the THC content from your blood and urine. (5)

These are the most commonly used tips on how to get THC out of your system. However, sometimes employers seek hair or mouth tests, which mean you might need some other ways to get it out of your system. Here are some alternative tips on how to get THC out of your system: 

  • Particular shampoo can help get rid of drugs accumulated in them, and the most trusted one is Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo. The unique deep cleaning formula of the shampoo containing propylene glycol may clear your hair follicles from traceable THC so that you can seamlessly pass the Hair Follicle Drug Test. 
  • Toxin Rid Mouthwash may wash out all traces of THC and other restricted substances from your mouth, ensuring that you pass your drug test. (6)


  1. Marijuana DrugFacts | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
  2. 10 Amazing Benefits Of Quitting Smoking Weed (drugtestpanels.com)
  3. 10 Amazing Benefits Of Quitting Smoking Weed (drugtestpanels.com)